OnePlus 9 5G (prototype) high-resolution pictures and key specs leaked

OnePlus 9 5G high-resolution pictures and specs leaked
OnePlus 9 5G high-resolution pictures and specs leaked
OnePlus 9 5G high-resolution pictures and specs leaked
OnePlus 9 5G high-resolution pictures and specs leaked
OnePlus 9 5G high-resolution pictures and specs leaked
OnePlus 9 5G high-resolution pictures and specs leaked
OnePlus 9 5G high-resolution pictures and specs leaked
OnePlus 9 5G high-resolution pictures and specs leaked
OnePlus 9 5G high-resolution pictures and specs leaked
OnePlus 9 5G high-resolution pictures and specs leaked
OnePlus 9 5G high-resolution pictures and specs leaked
OnePlus 9 5G high-resolution pictures and specs leaked
OnePlus 9 5G high-resolution pictures and specs leaked
OnePlus 9 5G high-resolution pictures and specs leaked

6.55-inch 2400×1080 display with 120Hz refresh rate, 8GB RAM and 128GB ROM.


more 9 / 9 Pro / 9R (OnePlus) leaks











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Leak added on 12/12/20204729 views

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2071 leaksaccuracy 86%